STRM disk space


So sometimes we can view such those logs in the STRM ..

Moreover you also might receive an email notifiation from STRM saying the same:


According to:

Click to access strm-troubleshooting-guide.pdf

Pages: 16-17

Lets use this command in the CLI: df -PTh /store/backup


And what I do to clear files up , is connecting via WinSCP to the STRM machine and then cleaning the files which claimed to be the issue in the link I shared. (see page 17)

So in the /store/ariel/events I can see on each those two folders “uncompressedCache + payloads” files from 2014/2015/2016 … those files I don’t need actually So I’m gonna copy it as a backup to my desktop then delete it from STRM machine .

In my scenario that was enough to get the STRM work again .. but with other situations you might go all the way with the procedure explained inthe STRM troubleshooting guide.